Compensation plan

In other compensation plans, you will only be entitled to a national code that is registered and activated, even if a person requests a name change in the last 45 days, it will only be payable for the same previous national code and not even the husband of a subscriber. If he loses an object or a document, and then through his wife's user panel, he requests to change and edit the information in his own name in order to receive compensation, all these cases will be reviewed by compensation experts.

It starts from the time of activation and registration on the site and ends one year later, and at the end of the compensation period, a notification SMS will be sent with a link to recharge and renew the compensation and membership.

At the same time as receiving the SMS of the end of the compensation plan, the activation link for the next year will be sent with the amount equivalent to the compensation of the same plan, and the compensation plan and joint membership will be renewed.

No, duplicate compensation is not awarded to the current missing person. And you must prepare a photo or copy of the card on which the label has already been installed, and after 45 days (waiting period for finding) send it along with a new copy or photocopy of the same document, and then check the documents and documents of experts and Ahad; Ramet Aniyab of payment documents will be paid for duplicating according to the rules and regulations. In other words, people whose documents are currently lost, by purchasing a compensation label, cannot use the duplicate compensation amount and must provide a photo or copy of the documents on which the label has already been installed, and other technical methods have been checked until now. There is a possibility of verification.

No, every time the documents are lost, it will be paid only and only once, and the amount of the cost of the duplicate will be paid, and the purchase of a compensation label or the installation of several compensation labels on one document is a reason for paying compensation for a lost document several times in the same document. There will be no turn.

If a customer loses the compensation label twice in one year, if the first time, for example, he received the limit of 5,000,000 Rials, he must renew his code at the same time and charge 790,000 Rials. But if, for example, he received 3,000,000 Rials in the first instance of duplicate compensation, and the second time of loss is less than a year, he can only receive compensation up to the limit of 2,000,000 Rials. In other words, every time a full compensation of 3,000,000 Rials is received, Aniyab's obligation to pay compensation for that compensation code ends, and there is an interval of non-obligation of compensation for 60 days for the same national code and the same document, unless the new plan register and activate compensation, that is, even after paying the membership fee extension, a person cannot immediately receive the second compensation amount.

The effectiveness of the Aniyab label has nothing to do with the compensation plan, and as long as the label is on the documents and the finder texts the code, the customer will be notified of the discovery, but if the user charge is more than one year or Once it has been used and it has ended, the customer will only be notified that it has been found, and in order to receive the number or the exact address of the finder, if the customer's Aniyab code does not have a charge, the user must charge at least 790,000 rials from the SMS link until the notification is possible. Delivery should be provided.

yes Aniyab customers can track the lost documents of their friends and acquaintances by SMS, with only 79,000 Tomans, which is deducted from their Aniyab exclusive charge (it has nothing to do with the charge of First Mobile or Irancell or Rightel, etc.). In fact, if the documents of family members